I am looking for someone to deliver Tier 1 or Tier 2 training to my workforce or service and I am based in Gloucestershire.
One Gloucestershire ICS has agreed on a shared delivery model.
Training places for Tier 1 and Tier 2 training are shared out between the following organisations. Please choose your organisation from the list below and use the email for enquiries:
- Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Trust
learning@ghc.nhs.uk- Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust
farouk.mehta@nhs.net- Primary Care
glicb.pcwc@nhs.net- Proud to Learn (for social care and all other staff groups)
You can also contact Inclusion Gloucestershire on ommt@inclusion-glos.org for more information about local delivery. Alternatively, visit the website at https://www.inclusiongloucestershire.co.uk/.
The National NHS England website has everything you need to know about Oliver’s training .