The Quality, Service Improvement and Redesign (QSIR) programmes are the latest iteration of a highly successful service improvement programme that has been delivered over many years to hundreds of staff involved in healthcare.

Delivered in a variety of formats to suit different levels of improvement experience, the QSIR programmes are supported by publications that guide participants in the use of tried and tested improvement tools and featured approaches and encourage reflective learning.

The QSIR programmes suit clinical, care professional and project staff involved in service improvement within their organisation and/or system.The workshops are delivered by Gloucestershire based teaching associates and accredited by NHS England’s QSIR College. Each cohort typically consists of people from a range of backgrounds and professions. We believe this mix helps to make the programmes so vibrant. There’s always huge wisdom in the room and many perspectives, providing a rich learning environment.

Topics covered:

  • Leading improvement
  • Project management
  • Measurement for improvement
  • Sustainability of improvement
  • Engaging and understanding others
  • Creativity in improvement
  • Process mapping
  • Demand and capacity

  • Kathryn Hall

    Faculty Lead
    Associate Director, One Gloucestershire Improvement Community

  • Hein Le Roux

    Faculty Associate
    GP, ICS Clinical Lead for the Improvement Community and Deputy Clinical Director NHSE (SW)

  • Lucy Cartwright

    Faculty Associate
    One Gloucestershire Improvement Community Programme Manager

  • Nancy Farr

    Faculty Associate
    Professional Head of Community Nursing, GHCNHSFT

  • Jane Lee

    Faculty Associate
    One Gloucestershire Improvement Community Facilitation Manager

  • Lauren Aston

    Faculty support
    Project Support Officer One Gloucestershire ICS

QSIR Practitioner

The programme is for clinical, care professional and project staff working on a service change project. Participants can apply their learning throughout the programme, which in turn accelerates personal and organisational learning and supports teams to build their evidence base for further change.

The programme is typically spread over three months and consists of five day-long workshops with support provided between workshops and improvement coaching for 6 months following.

Celebration events are held twice a year participants present posters describing their work.

Cohort 10 posters

Please browse the wonderful work Cohort 10 have been doing:
Children and Young People’s Weight Management Service
Primary Care Network Assurance Engagement
Discharge to Assess pathway
It’s Your Move – increasing physical activity for patients with chronic pain
Improving patient engagement for the Cancer Patient Reference (steering) group
Improving Student Paramedic Satisfaction in Gloucestershire
Improving engagement with Clinical Effectiveness in GHNHSFT

Cohort 11 posters

Please browse the wonderful work Cohort 11 have been doing:
Reducing Catheter Associated UTI admissions to hospital from care homes
Piloting implementation of the National Cleaning Standards into Care Homes
CAMHS: Complex cases in primary aged children pilot
Huntington’s Disease Pathway
Empowering Children’s Mental Health through a Digital Early Intervention App (Lumi Nova)
Falls Training Programme in Care Homes

Cohort 12

Please browse the wonderful work Cohort 12 have been doing:
Reducing Harm from Opioids

Cohort 13

Please browse the wonderful work Cohort 13 have been doing:
Abuse Awareness, Self-Advocacy and Enablement Training Service Tender and Service Improvement Plan
Improving Practice In The Care Provider Market
Increasing attendance of children with SEND at HAF activities
Improving Mouth Care – Twice daily brushing for all residents in Care Homes

Cohort 15

Please browse the wonderful work Cohort 15 have been doing:
‘Know Your Risk’ – Increase awareness of the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes at Public Engagement Event

QSIR Fundamentals

This one day programme offers participants an introduction to a range of tried and tested service improvement tools and approaches that give them the confidence and skills to start on their improvement journey.

QSIR College

QSIR College develops candidates to a level where they are assessed and accepted as associate members of the QSIR Teaching Faculty and go on to skill up other staff in their local systems.

QSIR National Faculty (now AQUA) provide a comprehensive collection of proven quality, service improvement and redesign tools, theories and techniques that can be applied to a wide variety of situations:

There are also an abundance of free online resources: Additional training recommendations

Resources for QSIR Practitioners
QSIR Practitioner Poster briefing
QSIR Practitioner Poster template

For more information, please contact Lauren Aston ( in the first instance and she will redirect your message to a member of the faculty.

If you would like to discuss whether QSIR is right for you, contact Kathryn Hall (, Lucy Cartwright ( or Jane Lee ( or register below.

More information on programme: Cohort 18 QSIR P flyer

Register for the next QSIR Practitioner: Register for QSIR Practitioner 2025

Cohort 18 starts on 3o April and Cohort 19 on 24 September.

If you would like to know more about the QSIR programme in general or have any questions, please contact the QSIR Faculty at