Domiciliary Care and Care Homes for Older People
NHS Gloucestershire ICB is committed to supporting local independent Care Providers. In collaboration with Gloucestershire County Council, we operate a range of initiatives including:
- Care Sector Support Team - Care Home Infection Prevention Team - Proud to Learn - Proud to Care - Integrated Commissioning Provider Information
Support can also be found with the following services:
- Care Home Support Team (mental health)
Falls Guidance for Care Home for Older People
This guidance document has been produced to help reduce the risk of individuals falling and advise how to support them if a fall occurs.
It has been produced by NHS Gloucestershire in collaboration with health and social care providers. The Falls Guidance forms part of the Falls Manual available to Falls Champions following completion of the Falls Training Programme.
The guidance provides comprehensive support and advice around all aspects of falls awareness, prevention, and response for care homes for older people.
The guidance document can be downloaded here:
Supporting documents and resources can be downloaded here:
- 1. Action Falls Checklist
- 2. Action Falls Checklist Guidance
- 3. BNF Hydration Poster
- 4. Safe Use Bed Rails
- 5.a Post-falls decision flowchart poster
- 5.b Post-falls decision making poster (GCC)
- 5.c Post Falls Decision Tool – Recording Sheet
- 6. Post-falls observation Log
- 7. How to get up after a fall
- 8. Post-falls ambulance conveyance form (SWAST)
- 9.a Falls Safety Cross
- 9.b Falls Safety Cross Guidance
- 10. Falls Medication Table (G-Care)
Falls Training Programme for Care Homes for Older People
NHS Gloucestershire and the Care Sector Support Team are delighted to announce that BOOKING IS NOW OPEN for the Falls Training Programme for care homes for older people. Face to face training sessions will be delivered by the Care Sector Support Team on a locality basis and the following dates and locations have been confirmed thus far:
- 29th January 2025 – St Pauls Residential Home, Gloucester, GL1 5JL
- 12th January 2025 – Bafford House Care Home, Cheltenham, GL53 8DR
- 5th February 2025 – Jubilee Lodge, Bourton on the Water, GL54 2GN
Falls training dates December 2024
Spaces are now open for booking on the LearnPro Community platform.
If you do not have a LearnPro Community account, please email to be set up.
Further dates and locations around the county are being added on a rolling basis so please keep checking back for a date near you.
This training will be delivered using a “train the trainer” method as requested by the care providers that attended our engagement sessions. Care homes will be required to nominate a member of staff (or 2 for larger homes / job shares) to become their Falls Champion(s) and attend the Falls Training Programme.
Following the training, Falls Champions will be provided with training materials including videos and PowerPoint slides to share their learning with the rest of the team. The Falls Champions will also become members of the Falls Community of Practice Network and receive ongoing support at regular network meetings.
Please see the below flyers to share with your teams:
The training is being delivered in a phased approach due to the differing needs of different parts of the sector. Phase 1 is aimed at the specific issues faced by care homes for older people. The training will then be adapted for domiciliary care providers in phase 2 and learning and physical disability providers in phase 3.
Should you have any questions in the meantime, please email